Why Roots Deep?—By Rebecca

Why Roots Deep? Why now? Why a webpage? Why? Why? Why? I hear you asking! Well, Randy spoke to some spiritual support to why Roots Deep last week—but this week will be a bit different.

First why a webpage and why now….that goes back to many years ago! We have yearly Dewater God Retreats as a family and during one of these retreats we talked about being “All In” and living our life as a family that is All In for living for Jesus. One of the ideas that came out of that was to have a place that we could share with others about how we do this as individuals and as a family. It seemed the most obvious place was to create a webpage for that info and so the dream was started.

Why now….well, this seems like a logical time in our life to be able to do this and we have not been able to before! We have time to build and resource a page and we also wanted a place to be able to keep friends and family updated. Since we have so many changes going on—this is a GREAT time for that. Another reason about why now—well, frankly we need your support! We need prayer support and financial support to pursue what God is calling us to.

Why the name “Roots Deep”? Roots Deep follows our family mission statement created at a Dewater God Retreat and comes from our theme verses that Randy shared last week. Could we have named it Deeply Rooted, or Deep Roots or…….I guess we could have BUT each person in our family has the initials RD and so we wanted to continue that on with the name “Roots Deep.” I’ve been riding horses at a local ranch recently and during one of my first visits the owner of the ranch shared with me about why all the horses at the ranch are the same color. She said she likes to use the illustration about how God creates all of us as humans but each one is different in personality, giftings etc., just like these horse are all horses of the same color—each is different in pattern and personality. I loved this illustration and this gave us the idea of continuing on with the RD!

To wrap this up because it’s getting too long…we just finished celebrating Easter—the day representing Jesus’ resurrection. If you have confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior over your life you too can celebrate that resurrection in your life—if you haven’t you can right now—if you don’t know how, send us a message (dewater@rootsdeep.org or through our contact form) and we can help. As you think about Jesus’ resurrection - let that draw you into a deeper relationship with Him- spend time in Luke 24; Mark 16; and Matthew 28 this week and ask Jesus to reveal himself to you.


Keep Your Eyes On Him—By Randy


Roots Deep In Christ—By Randy