Resources We Recommend

We want to share with you the books, webpages, podcasts, etc that have been helpful to us! We also have some resources that we have put together that have been very helpful for our family which will be located here as well.

What’s Currently On Our Table

The Bible (NLT, NASB)

The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriages—Marcus Warner and Chris M. Coursey

Marriage on Mission—Tom and Sandi Blaylock

Fun Loving You—Ted Cunningham

Helper By Design—Elyse Fitzpatrick

Practicing Affirmation—Sam Crabtree

The Exemplary Husband—Stuart Scott

7 Men and the Secret of Their Greatness—Eric Metaxas

Theology of Christian Counseling—Jay E. Adams

Hope Rising—Kim Meeder

For Men

Point Man—Steve Farrar

Tender Warrior—Stu Weber

Every Man’s Battle—Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

God Built—Steve Farrar

For Women

Revive Our Hearts -Great podcasts and resources

Adorned-Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth

Feminine Appeal—Carolyn Mahaney

Lies Women Believe—Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth


Elisabeth Elliot -Great podcasts on marriage and woman

What Did You Expect? —Paul David Tripp

Love Life For Every Married Couple—Ed Wheat, M.D. & Gloria Okes Perkins

Marry Wisely, Marry Well—Ernie Baker

Family and Children

Dannah Gresh-True Girl; Pure Freedom Ministries; Born To Be Brave (boys) OH SO MANY resources from Rebecca’s favorite author!!

Lies Young Women Believe—Dannah Gresh

For Everyone:

In the Arena of the Mind (Philippians 4:8)—John Vandegriff

Battlefield of the Mind—Joyce Meyer

Just Do Something—Kevin DeYoung

“R” Family Tools


Dewater God Retreat

Goal Planning

Our Rocks