Who We Are

We are Randy and Rebecca Dewater, we’ve been married for almost 25 years and have two grown boys.

The Lord has been leading us into transition over the last year and we are in the process of moving out of Vancouver Washington where we have been pastoring at a local church for the last 7 and a half years. Rebecca has worked as a Registered Nurse until the last year. Prior to our time here in Vancouver, we lived in Keizer Oregon and Randy was a Youth Pastor.

Our passion is to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus. We are praying about our next steps. Initially we planned to go on a YWAM (Youth With a Mission) DTS (Discipleship Training School). However, we would like to apply for an internship to be trained to use a horse ranch setting to help people know the love of God and His transforming power through Jesus Christ!

We dream of being part of a ministry that will share Jesus and His redemptive and transforming power for marriages, families and youth—see more on The Ranch page.

Roots Deep is born from a dream and a family mission statement that was created many years ago during our annual family God retreat. (Wanna know more about the family God retreat?—see our Resources page)

We are a family that is ALL IN following after Jesus and growing our ROOTS DEEP into HIM. We desire to share with others our love for Jesus and to help them follow HIM.

You are not called to make a living—you are called to make a difference. We believe God is inviting you to a whole new adventure.
— YWAM-Kona Hawaii-Endeavor DTS webpage


To build God’s kingdom by spending time in HIS presence while intentionally loving others in order to proclaim Jesus, teaching them to follow Him.

(Colossians 1:9-12 and 2:6-7)


To be people that bring glory to God and please him, serving His Kingdom by helping families function the way He designed.

To make Jesus known as the only way to be fully restored and redeemed.


We will provide resources and support through our online presence for the purpose of helping others experience the love of Jesus that leads to life transformation for the whole family.