Keep Your Eyes On Him—By Randy

Last summer, my son spent time at his Nana and Papa’s in Sweet Home, OR. They live on the Santiam River and because it was a warm beautiful sunny day, Riley decided to go play in the river. The middle of the river is shallower than the two sides, so we usually walk from the bank out to the middle of the river to walk on the rocks and move around the small logs that have accumulated from floating down from upstream. This day, Riley was in the middle of the river, and he noticed that his Golden Retriever, Rambo, had stepped into the river. This wouldn’t seem abnormal to most people, but the funny thing about this Golden Retriever is that he doesn’t like to get in the water. So, it was kind of funny to Riley that his dog had stepped into the river on his own. Rambo took a few more steps deeper into the current while keeping his focus on Riley; he would not take his eyes off him. Riley knew something was off. At that moment, Riley looked down river and his Nana and Papa’s dog was floating down stream. You see, their dog was older and had lost her footing on the bank of the river and fell in. She didn’t have the strength to swim back to the edge of the river on her own. Riley knew in that moment that his dog, Rambo, was trying to get his attention because Hosanna was floating away. Riley was able to save her.

In the seventh chapter of Corinthians, the apostle Paul is speaking about different aspects of marriage, singleness and widowhood. And then in verse 35 he says, “I say this…to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord” (1 Cor 7:35).

Paul knew something about us. He knew something about our spouse. He knew something about the world.

We need Jesus.

Our spouse needs Jesus.

Our family needs Jesus.

Therefore, we must work at not being distracted from Jesus but keeping our devotion to Him.

How do we “secure undivided devotion” to Jesus? By practicing living your life in Him (Col 2:6). By continuing to root yourself in Him (Col 2:7). By day after day building your life on His word (Col 2:7). By KEEPING your eyes on Him.

The day in which we live, if we don’t have undivided devotion to the Lord, we are going to be swept away with the current. Take a lesson from my son’s Golden Retriever, keep your eyes on your Master, Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can save you from the currents of the world.

What is one thing you can do today to help you and your family keep your eyes on Jesus?


The Power and the Ability—By Rebecca


Why Roots Deep?—By Rebecca