Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart
— Psalm 37:4

Roots Deep Ranch

Running a ranch or being part of a ranch to share the love, hope and redemptive power of Jesus has been a dream of ours for years.

A dream that we could never imagine would actually come to fruition.

God continues to encourage this desire in our hearts. We will take steps forward toward this dream as the Lord allows. The next step that we are planning on is to apply for internship at a ranch that is successfully sharing Jesus through their ranch.


How do you use horses for ministry?

Great question! Our heart is to pair individuals with a horse and a mentor. Sessions would occur weekly — sessions will be a safe, welcoming place, they will include a time of prayer, discussion will be encouraged by asking thought provoking questions and listening well to be able to give answers—so that the HOPE of Christ can be offered to each individual no matter what they come in with. Sessions would also include some sort of Ranch task that will offer an opportunity to empower the individual to be a part of the work of serving and giving, so they can realize that they too can make an impact on and for others.