Transitions—By Randy

“And He died for all,

that they who live should no longer live for themselves,

but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.”

2 Corinthians 5:15


Transitions can be hard. Transitions can be unsettling. Transitions cause things to come out. Transitions are exciting.

My family is in the midst of a transition with selling our house, taking steps of faith toward new ministry, our youngest graduating and heading to college.

My church is in the midst of transition with searching for a new pastor. 

Why are Transitions hard? Because it causes change. Change for everyone involved. If there is one thing that people have a hard time with, it is change. I’m so thankful we serve a God that doesn’t change. During transitions with lots of change happening, remember that God doesn’t change. Help your family live for God during change.

Why are Transitions unsettling? Because change changes everything. The “normal” is no longer there. We want things to be the way they were so that we can know where we are to stand, where we have a place, where we are supposed to go. In the midst of unsettling transition, God is your foundation. Help your family live for God when things are unsettling.  

Why do Transitions cause things to come out? Because all the changes and unsettledness make us feel insecure and uncomfortable. When we are insecure and uncomfortable the poor things in our character rise to the surface. In the midst of transitions, God is the same God He has always been. His love and posture toward us hasn’t wavered. Help your family live for God in the midst of insecurity and uncomfortableness.

Why are transitions exciting? Because God is in the midst of transitions and because transitions bring new things. New things bring new challenges and new adventures with God. God is still in control. And with every change through transition God doesn’t change. And with every transition God has a plan to help His children become more like His Son. Help your family live for God during the exciting times of transitions.

Ways to Help Your Family Live for God:

-            Practice Generous Kindness.

-            Practice Generous Patience.

-            Practice Generous Joy.

-            Practice Generous Gentleness.

-            Practice Generous Self-Control.

What is one way YOU can help your family and church family during transitions?


A Tricky Mind—By Rebecca


The Power and the Ability—By Rebecca