Think About What Is Important—By Randy

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ESV

This season of my life has been busy. It has been full of many good things. But with working on moving out of our house into a travel trailer while continuing to pastor a church along with a retirement home, it has been challenging. One of the biggest challenges through this season for me has been the mind. So often my mind tries to go to the kind of thinking that hurts, thinking that is negative, thinking that drags me and others down. Instead, God tells us to focus on thinking that helps. Thinking that is based on truth. Thinking that focuses on what is important. Thinking that is helpful to live the way God wants us to live. God wants me to have thinking that helps me obey Him and love others.

A month ago or so, I was at my desk deliberating on the next thing needing to get done. I was in a moment of confusion, not seeing the path in the midst of chaos, so I took a note pad and wrote down what was important. I wrote down three things:

1.        Love my wife.

2.        Love my son.

3.        Love my church family.

Just taking time to simply think about what is important brings clarity to what I should be doing. I’m not the only one going through a major transition. My wife and son are too. And, I have a responsibility to help my wife and son through this season.

Everyone needs help. Everyone goes through busy seasons. Not everyone stops to think about what is important.

I encourage you to stop for 5 minutes today to think about what is important. This practice can help remind you of what you should be doing when distractions and chaos abounds.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the Bible! Please continue to bring a peace a security to my mind and heart as I practice what the Bible says. And, help me to pursue after the things that are important in Your eyes. Amen.  


Pride, Rebellion and Hyssop Branches—By Rebecca


Are you a peach? Or are you a peach? —By Rebecca