Welcome to Roots Deep!

Roots Deep exists at it’s most fundamental level to share the love, hope and redemptive power of Jesus. We want to Reach Out, Restore, Resource and Release!
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
— Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)

Who are we?

We are Randy and Rebecca Dewater, we’ve been married for almost 25 years and have two grown boys.

The Lord has been leading us into transition over the last year and we are in the process of moving out of Vancouver Washington where we have been pastoring at a local church for the last 7 and a half years. Rebecca has worked as a registered nurse until this last year. Prior to our time here in Vancouver, we lived in Keizer Oregon and Randy was a Youth Pastor.

Read more about who we are…

What are we about?

Reach Out—

We desire to intentionally build relationships to bring the life transforming power of Jesus to others.


Life is hard and full of brokenness, but Jesus has the answers and we desire to help others experience the restoration Jesus has to offer.


Helping others find the resources needed to be successful in navigating life and relationships.


Releasing people to live out their purpose and calling as designed by God.

We would love to share with you our current happenings! Sign up for our monthly newsletter below and check out our videos on our current happenings page as well as our YouTube channel.

If you do not receive our newsletter at the beginning of the month-please check your junk mail or send us an email at dewater@rootsdeep.org

Weekly encouragements for your walk with the Lord

Resources we’ve found helpful and resources we’ve used in our family are located on our resources page.

Partner with us in ministry via prayer. Your support in prayer is vital to our success in being able to continue to share the love of Jesus with others. Let us know your partnering with us.

See our support page.